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Professional agency for translations
and legalization of documents since 1996


More than 25 years of experience in translations, interpreting, legalization of documents, editing and proofreading;
accuracy and precision in everything; uncompromising punctuality in meeting deadlines;
maintaining the highest quality standards in express orders; taking into account the feedback feedback from clients
and their earned trust; creating and maintaining an archive of translations; working with a wide range of file formats;
compliance with clients' requirements to meet project specifics; resources and experience to successfully handle large translation projects;
guaranteed confidentiality; contract with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Bulgaria since 1996
for official translations and legalization of documents; successful development and implementation of quality standards
ISO 9001:2008 and ЕN 15038:2006, procedures for fine-tuning them to the work of TBS Tradix in the field of written translations
a team of motivated, competent and ambitious professionals with a wealth of experience.


We invite you to become our client, because:

We can be of great help!

We always take our time, discuss your projects with attention to detail and advise our clients without being driven by financial interest. Our main goal is to ensure satisfaction and success for our clients, satisfaction for us.

With more than 25 years of experience,

we are at a point where we can guarantee your comfort and assuredness that you can get the best work from us.

We show great respect for quality

by paying the utmost attention to each project, strictly meeting all deadlines and working only with high-qualified translators and editors.

Reasonable and moderate prices; increasing discounts. Excellent logistics and smooth communication,

which make it as easy as possible for our clients to focus on the processes that are important for their business and time.

Our services

Written translations

We translate documents and texts on any subject. Our translators have the necessary education and considerable professional experience. They are flexible and competent to successfully complete any translation project.


Interpreting is an extremely responsible and complex activity that puts the interpreter under enormous pressure. It requires not only excellent language proficiency, but also a range of skills, talents such as quick thinking, unerring reaction and anticipation in any situation. We select our colleagues carefully and always confidently send the right professional who will handle the task flawlessly.

Legalization of documents

We provide legalization of Bulgarian documents for foreign countries, as well as certification of translations of documents coming from abroad, which should be used for official purposes in the Republic of Bulgaria. You can trust us completely because we know where, when and how to certify your documents and save your valuable time.

Editing and proofreading

If you have a text or a translation and you are not convinced of its accuracy and wish to have it checked, TBS Tradix can offer you editing and proofreading services. You can rely on the professionalism of our experts. Each and everyone of them has a university degree in philology and complies with all the requirements and norms of the respective language.

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Оказва се, че интернет се е превърнал в най-добрия ни приятел, партньор, сътрудник, помощник и всичко друго. Волно или неволно, всеки от нас ежедневно се допитва или търси да намери нещо в интернет пространството. Разбира се, това е безкрайно полезно и лесно, но дали винаги и за всичко резултатът е най-добрият възможен? Когато става дума за преводи, не винаги интернет е най-верният и добър …

Важно е да знаете, че ние от агенция за преводи ТБС Традикс се стремим нашите цени за преводи да са съобразени с пазарните условия, като в същото време държим на високото качество.

Когато имате нужда от превод, може да чуете различни изрази като „(официален) превод“, „заверен превод“ или пък „легализиран превод“, „превод от заклет преводач“ и веднага се изправяте пред въпроса: "Ами сега? Какъв превод ще ми е нужен, какъв превод ще ми свърши работа?" Объркващо е, нали?

Експресните преводи са кошмар за много преводачи. Те са изтощителни и понякога неблагодарни, защото полученият резултат може да не е най-добрият. Но са неизбежни.